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The triumphant return to 3D open-world exploration, it's Super Mario Odyssey.

For many years, people have been waiting for a return to 3D open-world exploration. While the more linear 3D games had good receptions, the amount of linearity in Mario games in general, 3D or otherwise, had made people tired of the formula. But on October 27, 2017, people's hopes had finally been realized. Not only had the 3D open-world formula returned, but you could capture enemies, buy new clothes with coins, which gave them a sense of purpose, and the controls were smoothed out. This was the game people were waiting for, so it goes without saying you should play it.

Check out this awesome review by The Completionist! Note: this review belongs to him, not me.

If you want a different perspective, check out ProJared's review of the game. As always, the review belongs to him not me.